

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lotto bettors ... Luck is the only thing

When a lotto bettor wins a lotto jackpot, we all collectively look at the lucky winner and wonder how luck came to this person or what caused God's extraordinary intervention in his life.

I always tell people that there are no systems ,tips or secret formula to win the lotto.
If there was a sure-fire technique that would win you the lotto every time, then the lottery business would definitely go down. We would all become winners.

For me the best trick to pick out number combination's for lotto is to pick them randomly. When you are in the lottery outlet to place bets you should bet on the number combination's that comes immediately to your mind in that exact moment. Follow your instinct because this might be the key for your luck in winning. Note that lottery games are still games of luck. This is why we must rely too much on our luck when playing lottery games.

Moreover, as I always say you can also make use of birthdays, anniversaries, and other significant dates to create your own number combination's. Some people think that getting combination ideas from these dates is very lucky. The truth is, this is a good option. You may even choose to pick lotto number combination's suggested by horoscopes or even in your dreams. There are people who believes in the luck that dreams and horoscopes gives them. This is also a good way to choose numbers since we are actually playing game which is reliant on luck.

Luck has the power to transform the improbable into the possible, but we have to do our part in order to create luck.
And this is what I mean.

A man was praying to God and said, "please God, I really need some money. Let me win the lottery."
He got no response.
A week later the man said, "God, I really, really need money. Help me to win the lottery.
Again no reply from God.
A week later, the man said, "God, what is going on? I've been good.I always pray Why can't I win the lottery?"
Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light as the heavens open and the man is confronted by the voice of GOD himself:
And God said, " Buy a lotto ticket"