

Sunday, May 9, 2010

lotto winners ....

Grand Lotto 6/55.
The odds of winning the jackpot prize of Grand Lotto are one in 28,989,675 combination's. Again its 1 in 28,989,675 combination's. Despite the obvious odds, why do a lot of people still play? I can only conclude that HOPE is really a strong motivator. As the saying goes .. the poor are getting more poorer and the rich are getting more richer. But right now, some rich people I know are now poor. Thats why they are betting the lotto, just in case they might be able to hit the jackpot.

You would think that winning so much money would wash all your problems away. Sure, but then there are new problems that will crop up. Following a lotto win, you and your family will received death threats and kidnapping threats or what ever threats, in case you are not careful. This will force you to go into hiding. Imagine, living in fear of your life. That's what a big lotto win could potentially do to you. Now, imagine how much sleep you would actually get every night because you fear your life and the life of your family

Winning the lotto and gaining new found wealth can free us from financial worries but, it can also bring unanticipated consequences like stress and loss of freedom.

Many people do brag or show off their riches to there friends and neighbors. what more if they will hit the lotto. This kind of people will just create the problem that I have been saying many times.

Dreams do come true, right? But we should be very careful in case our dreams do come true. I have been discussing many times in this blog on what we should do just in case you hit the jackpot. I have a good feeling that few days from now one of you will hit the jackpot. Because the line between reality and your dream world is now very thin, and your plans are now very reachable. I don't know who will hit the jackpot but I'm sure one of you who always read this blog will get the jackpot.

So for the good and educated people like us, keep in mind this advice...
I have been saying this many times, that no one should know that you won the lotto jackpot. Again never tell that you won the jackpot.