

Friday, October 18, 2013

Lucky Kiss

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 10/20/13
Jackpot Prize P36,584,624

Another lone lotto bettor from Lopez, Province of Quezon  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 10/20/13 ) draw.
The bettor got the combination of   3-9-12-17-30-40- to win the pot.

Lotto bettor say's ......

You only need to win one lotto jackpot to have your life changed.

Everyone wants to win it once in their life because the big jackpot prizes are enough to sustain their whole life if properly use.

Never give up, never lose hope. 
Always have Faith,  Just have patience and your dreams will come true.

Now remember this ...

The fact is that someone has to WIN, So anyone including you is a potential lucky winner.

You don’t need to buy hundreds of lotto tickets to improve your chances of winning the lottery (contrary to popular belief).

For me, you only need one or up to three the most.

Try this simple tip for LUCK ....

Try kissing your lotto ticket for luck.

Okay, so it sounds a little strange, but kissing your ticket is said to make it a bit more lucky that it might otherwise be.

Quite why this should work is beyond us. Maybe lottery tickets tend to feel a bit neglected if they aren’t shown enough affection.

Whatever the reasoning, or lack of it, try giving your ticket a quick kiss the next time you get one.