

Friday, November 16, 2012

Newspaper Dealer wins

6/45- 0 winner
Draw date: 11/23/2012
Estimated Jackpot Prize P35 million

6/55- 0 winner
Draw date: 11/24/2012
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30 million

6/49- 0 winner
Draw date: 11/25/2012
Estimated Jackpot Prize P60 million

6/42- 1 winner
Draw date: 11/17/2012
Jackpot Prize P17 million

Newspaper Dealer wins

For 17 years and a P200 bet a day, he frequented lottery outlets hoping to hit the jackpot.

On Nov. 5, 2012, he struck gold, hitting the P15,143,142.60 jackpot in the Mega Lotto 6/45 draw.

The winner is a 45-year-old newspaper dealer from Bulacan.

He has been a lotto follower since 1995 and spending P200 a day.
Patience paid off on November 5 as one of his bets worth P40 for 6/45 correctly guessed the winning combination 2-13-24-27-44-45.

 Unlucky ?

 If you buy lotto tickets everyday  and you have never won up to now. Does it mean that you are unlucky?

No, of course not.

Take Lotto 6/55, for example. The odds of winning Lotto 6/55 with one ticket are approximately 1-in- 28,989,675 million. That means for every ticket that wins, there are approximately  28,989,675  tickets that lose .

In other words, for every one person that wins,  28,989,675 people lose. If all those combinations were paid by individual persons with one bet each. Does that make those  28,989,675 losers unlucky? I would say no.

The odds were just against them.

So, don't worry if you feel that you are unlucky. There are  28,989,675 other people that might feel the same way.

So never think that you are a unlucky person as you might think.

The day will come that you will hit the lotto jackpot and you will be the lucky one and the rest of  the 28,989,675  will be the  unlucky persons as they might think.

Remember always the Odds. it doesn't say  you are unlucky because you did not win the jackpot.

If the game is 50 -50  and with 10 draws, and you never won a single game, then call yourself unlucky.

Winning the lotto jackpot  might seem like a dream come true, but a windfall can cause as many problems as it solves.

Winning the jackpot could create all sorts of strains on relationships, as neighbors, friends and family comes seeking handouts  or expecting a financial gift.

But if you fail to give them  the right amount they expected from you, then expect the unexpected. After a few months, you will have few friends left and expect some enemies too.

Best 2 advice and solutions:
  1. Don't tell anyone.
  2. Don't do anything for a month or two. Just sit, think and make a very good plan for it.