

Friday, December 26, 2014

Driver Wins

6/55 :          NO WINNER 
DATE :       DEC.31, 2014
RESULT :  10-13-15-19-26-34

6/45 :          NO WINNER 
DATE :       DEC.31, 2014
RESULT :  21-26-32-33-39-45

6/49 NO DRAW
Draw date 1/1/15
Estimated Jackpot Prize P128M

6/42 NO DRAW
Draw date 1/1/15
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

Draw date 1/2/15
Estimated Jackpot Prize P9M

Draw date 1/3/15
Estimated Jackpot Prize P63M

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 12/26/14
Jackpot Prize P30,310,280.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 12/26/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 1-14-19-22-27-36

to win the jackpot worth  P30.3 million.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 12/23/14
Jackpot Prize P32,685,212.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Quezon City is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 12/23/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 4-9-11-24-29-37

to win the jackpot worth  P32.6 million.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 12/8/14
Jackpot Prize P9 Million

A lucky driver from Valenzuela City  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 12/8/14 ) draw.

The lucky driver got the combination of 8-9-13-17-27-28

to win the jackpot worth P9 million.

He got his winning combinations of 8-9-13-17-27-28 from the dates of his parents’, aunt’s and son’s deaths.

The father of three who only paid P40 for two combinations for his winning ticket decided to bet on  the dates because the memory of his loved ones kept on haunting him.

He plans use the money to buy his family a house and lot, invest in a transportation business and save for the future.

The winner had been playing the lotto for the past 15 years.

Lotto Winner say's :

Never underestimate your chances in winning the lotto jackpot.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Two Lotto Jackpots Unclaimed

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       DEC.24, 2014
RESULT :   4-8-11-14-30-38

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       DEC.24, 2014
RESULT :   2-5-8-15-22-44

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) announced that there will be no draws on Christmas day Dec 25, 2014 and New Year’s day Jan.1. 2015

6/42  NO DRAW
Draw date 12/25/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

6/49  NO DRAW
Draw date 12/25/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P108M

Draw date 12/26/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P28M

Draw date 12/27/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P51M

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 12/23/14
Jackpot Prize P32,685,212.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 12/23/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 4-9-11-24-29-37

to win the jackpot worth  P32.6 million.

Lotto Jackpot:

Two lotto jackpots were not claimed in 2011.

One was the P23.7 million jackpot for the 6/42  Lotto draw on March 15, 2011 for the winning ticket sold by an outlet in Binondo Manila.

Second, the 6/45 Mega Lotto draw on March 25, 2011 with the winning ticket bought in Harrison Plaza, Manila.

Did You  know that:

A total of P3.35 billion worth of lottery prizes, accumulated from 2006 to 2013 were unclaimed?

Friday, December 12, 2014

Cook wins with just one ticket

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       DEC.17, 2014
RESULT :  12-27-33-37-53-55

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       DEC.17, 2014
RESULT :  18-23-33-37-41-43

Draw date 12/18/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P87M

Draw date 12/18/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P26M

Draw date 12/19/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P19M

Draw date 12/20/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P41M

6/55 1 winner
Draw date 11/24/14
Jackpot Prize P70,166,400.00

A 24-year-old  Male call center agent, from Davao  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 11/24/14 ) draw.

The lucky bettor, spent P60 for three combinations and one of the combinations given by his father, won the 6/55 jackpot with the winning combination of 06-08-11-26-27-29 to win the jackpot worth  P70.1 million.

The  call center agent, from Davao had to quit school because of poverty and had to work at an early age to help his family.

From time to time, when he had spare change he would play lotto.

On Nov. 24, he struck gold by winning Grand Lotto 6/55′s P70.1-million jackpot.

Now a multimillionaire, his plans include going back to school, buying a new house and lot for his family, sharing his newfound wealth with his family while saving the rest.

The winner has been betting on the lotto games for four years.

6/45 3 winners
Draw date 12/3/14
Jackpot Prize P47,139,388.00

Three lucky lotto bettors from Cavite, Paete Laguna, and San Mateo Rizal,  are now millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 12/3/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 5-9-11-14-23-28

to win the jackpot worth  P47.1 million or P15,713,129 each.

Lucky Cook Wins

A cook from Cavite  claimed his share of the P47.1-million jackpot prize in the December 3 ,2014 6/45 mega lotto draw.

The 37-year-old single father was one of the three winners who picked the winning number combination of 5-9-11-14-23-28.

He collected more than P15.7 million.

The winner  has been betting on the lotto for 19 years.

He took the winning numbers from his and his son’s birthdays and bought just one ticket.

The winner plans to use the money to buy a house and lot, open a restaurant of his own and put aside some of it for his son’s education.

Remember this:

 When nothing is sure, everything is possible!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Lady Guard Wins

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       DEC.10, 2014
RESULT :   9-18-38-39-45-53

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       DEC.10, 2014
RESULT :   7-13-22-25-29-35

Draw date 12/11/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P69M

Draw date 12/11/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P17M

Draw date 12/12/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P9M

Draw date 12/13/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

A Total of 5 lotto jackpot winners for the month of November 2014

6/55 -  1 winner
6/49 -  1 winner
6/45 -  1 winner
6/42 -  2 winners

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 12/8/14
Jackpot Prize P9 Million

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 12/8/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 8-9-13-17-27-28

to win the jackpot worth  P9 million.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 11/27/14
Jackpot Prize P19,531,284.00

A 44-years-old lady guard from Pasay City  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 11/27/14 ) draw.

The  lady guard got the combination of 14-19-23-29-30-34

to win the jackpot worth  P19.5 million.

The winner has been a lotto player since 1996.

She plans to use the money to buy a house and lot, support the education of her three children, invest in a business, and donate to the church.


When God closes a door, He opens a window, but at times He shut both.

Worry not for He would tear down the roof so His blessings will overflow.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Believe that You can Win

6/45 :          3 WINNERS
DATE :       DEC.3, 2014
RESULT :  5-9-11-14-23-28

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       DEC.3, 2014
RESULT :  12-17-18-25-46-55

Draw date 12/4/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P54M

Draw date 12/4/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

Draw date 12/5/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P9M

Draw date 12/6/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

6/45 3 winners
Draw date 12/3/14
Jackpot Prize P47,139,388.00

Three lucky lotto bettors are now millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 12/3/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 5-9-11-14-23-28

to win the jackpot worth  P47.1 million or P15,713,129 each.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 11/27/14
Jackpot Prize P19,531,284.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 11/27/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 14-19-23-29-30-34.

to win the jackpot worth  P19.5 million.

Remember this:

You can have whatever you want if you will only believe that it is already yours.

Friday, November 21, 2014

No Sure Win

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.26, 2014
RESULT :   9-26-30-34-47-54

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.26, 2014
RESULT :  10-14-18-22-24-30

Draw date 11/27/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P18M

Draw date 11/27/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P35M

Draw date 11/28/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P37M

Draw date 11/29/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

6/55 1 winner
Draw date 11/24/14
Jackpot Prize P70,166,400.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 11/24/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 6-8-11-26-27-29

to win the jackpot worth  P70.1 million.

Unclaimed lotto Prizes reach P3.35 Billion

The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office  said P3.35 billion worth of lotto prizes from 2006 to 2013 were unclaimed.

Goodbye P12.391 million

PCSO has decided with finality that it cannot give the P12.391 million prize to Antonio Failon Mendoza, 46, who earlier claimed to have won the jackpot but had his ticket burnt by flat iron.

PCSO Legal Department said it will be impossible to determine whether Mendoza indeed won since the machine cannot read his burnt ticket anymore.

The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) said that the P12.391-million Lotto 6/42 jackpot on October 2 cannot be paid to its supposed winner without violating its policy and rules on prize payment.

A former overseas Filipino worker (OFW) – Antonio F. Mendoza of Calaca, Batangas – won the jackpot and claimed the prize but he presented a ticket without the winning numbers and security features because it was ironed by his granddaughter.

Lotto tickets are printed on thermal paper, which is particularly sensitive to heat.

The payment policies require that the winning ticket must be presented and can be read by the lotto computer terminal.

He maintained that the PCSO has to preserve its policy and rules regarding the payment of lotto jackpots and prizes of other lotteries of the agency. “No ticket, no win (no payment).”

The policy that prizes cannot be paid without the winning ticket (in normal condition, numbers and security features are visible) that can be read by the PCSO lotto computer terminal has been enforced since 1995.

Mendoza’s ticket was defaced, blackened by heat and cannot be read by lotto computer terminal.

How to win

Winning the lotto would be a dream come true, wouldn't it?

But it's so damn hard to do so.

The odds are just not very good. Some people claim that there are hundreds of strategies that could help you win. Is there really a strategy?

The good news is that there is a strategy. It's actually very simple - Buy more tickets.

Everybody knows that buying more tickets increases your chances of winning.

But it does not guarantee a sure win.

Perhaps you were looking for a better strategy.

Sorry, but there are no others - That's the only one.

See, lotto are almost purely random and that means that nobody can develop strategies to beat them.

You can't predict random events and lotto are no different.

Nothing ...

There is no analysis, book, computer program, system, statistic, website, psychic, strategy, voodoo magic that's going to help you win every draw.

Cheat .....

If someone knew the cheat to winning a lotto, they'd be doing it already.

If there was, they probably wouldn't tell anyone or sell it.

The only solution .....

As the saying goes you have to be in it to win it.

Winning the lotto jackpot is all about luck. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dreaming about Winning

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.19, 2014
RESULT :   4-10-18-20-26-42

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.19, 2014
RESULT :   16-27-29-30-35-45

Draw date 11/20/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P26M

Draw date 11/20/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P12M

Draw date 11/21/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P22M

Draw date 11/22/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P65M

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 11/11/14
Jackpot Prize P46,288,040.00

A lucky lotto bettor Imus, Cavite,  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 11/11/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  2-9-15-20-21-30
 to win the jackpot worth  P46.2 million.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 11/7/14
Jackpot Prize P68,758,280.00

A 68-year-old canteen helper and widow with four children  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 11/7/14 ) draw.

The winner from Makati City spared only P40 for her bet using the birthdates of her children to hit the winning number combination  of 11-12-19-28-38-40 to win the jackpot worth  P68.7 million.

What a LUCK ...

This story happened way back March 18, 2013.

A 21-year-old fresh college grad from Pasig won by accident in March 18 Mega Lotto 6/45′s P43-million draw.

The Lady claimed her winnings of P43,000,342.20 in the 6/45 draw with the winning combination of 3-8-11-16-21-29.

The  Lady said she asked the teller for a Lotto 6/42 card but was instead given a 6/45 card.

She was to hand back the 6/45 card but changed her mind and placed three bets for that draw that made her an instant millionaire.

A lotto bettor said  .... 

At least buying a lotto ticket gives you a right to dream for a while before the drawing time.

I think dreaming about the winning gives people a lot of  hope in life.

So playing the lotto has a therapeutic effect which is worth the cost.

Never lose hope and stay positive because there is enough luck for everyone.

Friday, November 7, 2014

7 lotto jackpot winners for the month of October 2014

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.12, 2014
RESULT :  6-17-37-38-39-44

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.12, 2014
RESULT :   1-5-10-27-30-44

Draw date 11/13/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

Draw date 11/13/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P16M

Draw date 11/14/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P9M

Draw date 11/15/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P50M

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 11/11/14
Jackpot Prize P46,288,040.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 11/11/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  2-9-15-20-21-30
 to win the jackpot worth  P46.2 million.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 11/4/14
Jackpot Prize P16 Million

A lucky Janitor, age 25 years old of Quezon city  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 11/4/14 ) draw.

The winner, a government employee of Quezon city, hit the jackpot, guessing correctly the winning numbers of 3-11-21-29-43-47 to win the jackpot worth  P16 million.

The winner had P40 bets for two combinations, using birthdays of his siblings. He has been betting for five years.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 11/7/14
Jackpot Prize P68,758,280.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 11/7/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of   11-12-19-28-38-40
 to win the jackpot worth  P68.7 million.

A Total of 7 lotto jackpot winners for the month of October 2014

6/55 -  2 winners
6/49 -  2 winners
6/45 -  1 winner
6/42 -  2 winners

6/55 2 winners
Draw date 10/15/14
Jackpot Prize P30,940,932.00

Two lucky lotto bettors from  Aparri, Cagayan and Castillejos, Zambales are now millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 10/15/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 1-13-16-19-22-39  to win the jackpot worth  P30.9 million or P15,470,466.00 each.

A 37-year-old housewife from Cagayan is richer by P15.4 million after winning half of the prize of the 6/55 Grand Lotto draw.
The winner, who claimed half of the total jackpot prize of P30,940.932, spared only P120 for her bet for the winning number combination of  01-13-16-19-22-39.
The instant millionaire was lucky indeed as she had been placing her bet for a year only.

She made a random pick to hit the jackpot prize.

The winner will donate 10 percent of the prize to the church, save for her siblings and their education.

The winner from Castillejos, Zambales is a 66 years old female fruit vendor who bought four lucky pick combinations worth P80.

One of the  lucky pick combinations was 1-13-16-19-22-39  that won the jackpot.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 10/5/14
Jackpot Prize P90,126,700.00

A 67 years old retired taxi driver from Novaliches, Quezon city is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 10/5/14 ) draw.

The bettor bought three lotto combinations worth P60.

One of the combinations was  6-11-13-29-43-48 to win the jackpot worth  P90.1 million

He had been a lotto bettor since 1995.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 10/30/14
Jackpot Prize P46,577,516.00

A 62-year-old female government ‎retiree in Parañaque City is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 10/30/14 ) draw.

The winner got the combinations of  2-5-11-13-42-49 to win the jackpot worth  P46.5 million.

The winner bought five lotto combinations worth P100.

The winner is married and has three children.

Sixteen other bettors won P65,260 each after they guessed five digits of the winning combination.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 10/6/14
Jackpot Prize P98,652,196.00

A 30-year-old member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 10/6/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  5-13-16-24-29-45   to win the jackpot worth  P98.6 million

The new millionaire  will use part of his winnings to purchase a house and lot for his family and save and invest the rest for his family’s future.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 10/9/14
Jackpot Prize P7,559,576.00

A lucky lotto bettor from  Davao City  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 10/9/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  1-6-7-11-17-26  to win the jackpot worth  P7.5 million.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 10/2/14
Jackpot Prize P12,391,600.00

A lucky? lotto bettor from Calaca, Batangas is now a PENDING millionaire (Antonio Failon Mendoza ) after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 10/2/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  9-21-31-36-40-41  to win the jackpot worth  P12.3 million.

Lotto bettor say's : Who's next ?

Friday, October 31, 2014

PCSO rejects claim of P12.3 million lotto jackpot.

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.5, 2014
RESULT :   2-12-24-25-43-44

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       NOV.5, 2014
RESULT :   17-22-29-30-37-42

Draw date 11/6/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P37M

Draw date 11/6/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P16M

Draw date 11/7/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P67M

Draw date 11/8/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P38M

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 11/4/14
Jackpot Prize P16 Million

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 11/4/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 3-11-21-29-43-47  to win the jackpot worth  P16 million.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 10/30/14
Jackpot Prize P46,577,516.00

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 10/30/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  2-5-11-13-42-49 to win the jackpot worth  P46.5 million.

PCSO rejects claim of P12.3 million lotto jackpot.

The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office on Tuesday Oct 23, 2014 maintained its decision not to award the P12.3-million jackpot lotto ticket won by a former migrant worker  after  he defaced the lotto ticket.

At a hearing conducted by the House committee on games and amusement chaired by Cavite Rep. Elpidio Barzaga, Jr.

Lawmakers made an appeal to the PCSO to reconsider the tampered lotto ticket with a winning number combination jackpot won by Antonio Failon Mendoza, 46.

Mendoza claimed he won the lotto 42 (Grand Lotto) jackpot last month and presented a defaced lotto ticket whose number combination could not be clearly evaluated.

PCSO General Manager Jose Ferdinand Rojas II lamented that the winning lotto number combination has still to be validated as the state lottery firm and even the Commission on Audit (CoA) are strict about validating winning tickets.

Rojas told Barzaga’s panel that strict regulations prevented him from giving Mendoza the P12,991,600 jackpot for the October 2 draw.

“Mr. Mendoza’s problem will be closely studied, it has already been referred to the legal department.

The recommendation of the legal department is for us to follow the rules regarding the determination of the winning ticket,” Rojas said.

Rojas said the PCSO  would still have to wait for  one year to “act on the claim of Mendoza”.

Source : Manila Standard Today
       By:  Maricel Cruz

Friday, October 24, 2014

Winning lotto Ticket stolen from Wallet ?

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.29, 2014
RESULT :   1-6-19-28-35-40

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.29, 2014
RESULT :   14-34-39-43-51-54

Draw date 10/30/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P47M

Draw date 10/30/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P27M

Draw date 10/31/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P49M

Draw date 11/1/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

6/55 2 winners
Draw date 10/15/14
Jackpot Prize P30,940,932.00

Two lucky lotto bettors from  Aparri, Cagayan and Castillejos, Zambales are now millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 10/15/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 1-13-16-19-22-39  to win the jackpot worth  P30.9 million or P15,470,466.00 each.

The winner from Castillejos, Zambales is a 66 years old female fruit vendor who bought four lucky pick combinations worth P80.

One of the  lucky pick combinations was 1-13-16-19-22-39  that won the jackpot.

Two News stories about a lotto bettor who claimed that his winning lotto ticket was stolen and the real winner who claimed the jackpot prize.

P295 million winning lotto Ticket  stolen from Wallet?

A DRIVER who claimed that he won the winning combination of the 6/55 lotto draw last September 27,2014 accused his brother and sister-in-law of stealing his ticket.

The numbers are 8-11-17-22-35-42 and the prize is P294.6 million, which Nilo (real name withheld) has not touched yet.

Lawyer Caesar Tabotabo filed a theft complaint against Mario and the latter’s wife Ludie (real names withheld) before the Mandaue City Prosecutor’s Office last Wednesday.

Nilo also lodged a complaint against the couple before the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Cebu branch last September 30.

Tabotabo, in a phone interview, said he was informed Thursday morning by PCSO Cebu branch head Glen Rada that someone already claimed the prize at the PCSO main office in Manila.

He said PCSO should not have released the money yet because they have a pending complaint. “When I called the main office, I was passed around,” said Tabotabo.

The lawyer said they might file a complaint against PCSO for releasing the prize.

PCSO Cebu branch administrative officer Elaine Villaflor said a man in his 60s claimed the money at the PCSO central office past 9 a.m.

“It was not the brother who claimed the prize today,” she said in Cebuano.

Nilo said he bought the ticket at a lotto outlet in Barangay Pit-os in Cebu City at around 4 p.m. last September 27, after he delivered sacks of rice to his employer’s customer. PCSO’s system, however, shows that the ticket was bought at 8:49 a.m.

After getting the ticket from the outlet operator, he kept the ticket inside his wallet.

The next day, he went to his brother’s house in Mandaue City. While there, he placed his wallet on the table.

He later learned that he won the lottery after he read the winning combination in the newspaper.

He went back to the table and opened his wallet. He discovered the ticket was gone.

Tabotabo said it was possible that Nilo’s sister-in-law stole the lotto ticket. Nilo confronted Ludie but the latter denied she stole the ticket.

“The driver asked the son of his brother about the ticket,” said Tabotabo in Cebuano.
“The boy answered that his mother got the ticket.”

Last September 30, Nilo went back to his brother’s house. Mario and Ludie had left.
“He did not know what to do,” said Tabotabo.

He said they did not file the theft complaint right away because Nilo wanted to settle the issue with Mario amicably, but they did not reach a settlement.

The alleged theft was also recorded in the blotter of the Mandaue City Police Office Station 1.

PCSO Visayas head Federico Damole said he knew about the incident but he refused to issue a statement because it was Rada who accepted the complaint.

Villaflor said the winning ticket was bought at 8:49 a.m., according to the PCSO data system. She said Nilo presented to Rada a bet slip, which is used in shading numbers, as an evidence.

“The slip can easily be acquired by the bettor because it is placed outside the lotto outlet,” she said in Cebuano.

Nilo claimed that he wrote his name and his signature at back of the ticket.

Villaflor said they always check the ticket if it has been tampered with before they release the prize money.

They also require the bettor to present two valid identification cards.

She said their system shows where and when the ticket was bought.
Kon isa ra ang winner, isa ra gyod ang winner,” she said.

Source : Sunstar Cebu
       By: Kevin A. Lagunda

6/55 1 winner
Draw date 9/27/14
Jackpot Prize P294,602,336.00

A 79-year-old retired government employee from Cebu City has claimed the jackpot in the 6/55 Grand Lotto drawn last Sept. 27, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) announced yesterday.

PCSO acting chairman Jose Ferdinand Rojas II said the winner picked the six-digit winning combination 8-11-17-22-35-42 , which had a jackpot prize of P294.6 million.

Rojas said the retiree told him he had been betting on the combination since 1996. He said he combined his and his wife’s birth dates and bet P100 for five sets of tickets at a lotto outlet in Cebu City.

Rojas handed the check to the winner – who was with his wife, children and grandchildren – at the PCSO’s main office in Mandaluyong last Friday.

The winner said he would donate a portion of his winnings to their church, invest in a business and share the money with his children and relatives.

Source: The Philippine Star
      By: Perseus Echeminada,

Friday, October 17, 2014

No Ticket No Payment

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.22, 2014
RESULT :   7-8-10-15-40-52

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.22, 2014
RESULT :   5-17-21-24-33-40

Draw date 10/23/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P34M

Draw date 10/23/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P17M

Draw date 10/24/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P34M

Draw date 10/25/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

6/55 2 winners
Draw date 10/15/14
Jackpot Prize P30,940,932.00

Two lucky lotto bettors from  Aparri, Cagayan and Castillejos, Zambales. are now millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 10/15/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 1-13-16-19-22-39  to win the jackpot worth  P30.9 million or P15,470,466.00 each.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 10/5/14
Jackpot Prize P90,126,700.00

A 67 years old retired taxi driver from Novaliches, Quezon city is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 10/5/14 ) draw.

The bettor bought three lotto combinations worth P60.

One of the combinations was  6-11-13-29-43-48 to win the jackpot worth  P90.1 million

He had been a lotto bettor since 1995.

No Ticket No Payment.

A former overseas Filipino worker  failed to claim his P12-million lottery prize after his daughter used a flat iron to smooth out the crumpled ticket.

Antonio Failon Mendoza of Calaca, Batangas claims that he won P12 million in the October 2 draw.

He was supposed to go to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) to claim his prize when his grandchild got hold of his ticket and crumpled it.

Out of fear that they would not be able to claim the ticket, his daughter decided to iron out the ticket.
However, a big part of the ticket got burned, making it useless and impossible to read.

According to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), they follow specific guidelines in claiming prices, which includes a "no ticket, no payment" policy. The ticket should also be readable.

PCSO General Manager Ferdinand Roxas II said they imposed stricter guidelines to discourage fake claimants from trooping to their office.

Meanwhile, the outlet where Mendoza bought the ticket confirmed that a certain ticket with the winning combination was bought from them.

PCSO is also looking at other possible ways that Mendoza can claim his prize.

Cash turned into stone.

It was a literal case of trying to “iron out a problem” but instead of “solving” the problem of a crumpled ticket, the hot iron defaced the lucky numbers of a Lotto bettor who hit the P12.391 million jackpot.

Thus, the defaced ticket could not be “read” and validated by the lotto machine of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office.

That’s the sad fate of the winning Lotto ticket of Antonio Failon Mendoza whose lucky numbers – 09-21-31-36-40-41 – matched 6/42’s winning numbers with a jackpot prize of P12.391.60 million, drawn Oct. 2.

Unfortunately, a grandchild had crumpled Mendoza’s lotto ticket and another grandchild tried to save it by ironing the creases.

The attempt to iron out the problem burned the ticket’s thermal paper and its numbers and security features no longer became recognizable.

1-IN-5.25 M ODDS
“Pera na naging bato pa,” which loosely means “cash turned into stone,” must have been blurted by the winner for he had hurdled the odds of one-in-5.25 million which each bettor faces in hitting the 6/42 jackpot.

But his fate took an unfortunate twist. As his story goes, he was about to claim the jackpot when one of his grandchildren got hold of his ticket and crumpled it. An in-law suggested putting it under the iron to straighten it out.

Hearing this, another grandchild ironed the P12.3-million piece of thermal paper and it got burned, its numbers and security features no longer recognizable.

The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) has a strict policy being implemented in all cases: “no ticket, no payment.”  In this case, the ticket could not be read by the lotto machine which should validate the winning numbers.

General Manager Jose Ferdinand M. Rojas II, PCSO acting chairman, said the PCSO has a policy that without the ticket, the agency will not be making payment.

He said the supposed winner came to the agency on Friday and presented his ticket for validation. “His ticket was ironed, so we don’t know if he really won or not.

We have a policy of ‘no ticket, no payment’,” said Rojas.

If a bettor has the winning ticket, then its security features must be readable by the lotto machine, he added.

“It is like money or check, if the money or check is mutilated, you are not going to accept it,” he said.

But Roxas is not closing the door on the ticket’s fate.  He said their legal and technical staff will conduct a second examination on Mendoza’s ticket to see if its security features can still be read by the lotto validation machine.

He said a crumpled ticket that is still machine-readable does not pose any problem. “Even if it is crumpled or torn but readable, there is no problem.”

He reminded bettors to read the back of the lotto ticket which states that it must not bear any alteration or mutilation and owners must sign it right away, he said.

Rojas said that many bogus tickets have been presented to the PCSO as winning tickets, but none had succeeded in claiming the jackpot because they were not machine-readable.

“What happened (to Mendoza) is a rare case,” he said. “My message to our patrons is to take care of their tickets. Claiming their winnings is very easy as long as the ticket is in order and in normal condition.”

Four years ago, a woman attempted to claim the Grand Lotto 6/55’s P741.17-million jackpot drawn on November 29, 2010.

She claimed she was the winner but could not present the ticket because that was with her grandson.

The real winner, though, was a 60-year-old Filipino working in the United States, who claimed the bonanza over a week later.

A PCSO insider said there were many cases of fraudulent attempts to claim jackpot prizes but none had succeeded. “Some ‘enterprising’ people present tickets made by computers, cut and pasted from images of the original tickets.

Others even place a bet on the same winning numbers the day after the numbers are announced, and they present those as winning tickets, he said.

Source Manila Bulletin
By: Edd K.Usman

Friday, October 10, 2014

Winners Never Quit ...Quitters Never Win

6/55 :          2 WINNERS
DATE :       OCT.15, 2014
RESULT :   1-13-16-19-22-39

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.15, 2014
RESULT :   1-3-12-26-34-37

Draw date 10/16/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

Draw date 10/16/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P16M

Draw date 10/17/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P20M

Draw date 10/18/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

6/55 2 winners
Draw date 10/15/14
Jackpot Prize P30,940,932.00

Two lucky lotto bettors are now millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 10/15/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 1-13-16-19-22-39  to win the jackpot worth  P30.9 million or P15,470,466.00 each.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 10/9/14
Jackpot Prize P7,559,576.00

A lucky lotto bettor from  Davao City  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 10/9/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  1-6-7-11-17-26  to win the jackpot worth  P7.5 million.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 10/6/14
Jackpot Prize P98,652,196.00

A 30-year-old member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 10/6/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  5-13-16-24-29-45   to win the jackpot worth  P98.6 million

The new millionaire  will use part of his winnings to purchase a house and lot for his family and save and invest the rest for his family’s future.

Did you ever lose hope?

In less than ten days from Sept. 27 to Oct. 6 lotto has produced three big millionaires.

A bettor in Cebu City who bagged the Grand Lotto 6/55′s P294.6-million jackpot.

Followed by a Quezon City’s bettor who got P90.1 million on Oct. 5 from Super Lotto 6/49.

And the latest so far, the Manila bettor last Monday, October 6, who netted the P98.6 million at stake from 6/45.

So did you ever lose hope because somebody won those jackpots and you felt sad and came to a point of losing your HOPE AND DREAM?

Feb. 27, 2012

If you are reading this, and you think that you can't win, this should be proof positive that anyone can win at any point in TIME.

A 48-years-old vendor with eight children finally hit P12 million , half of the 6/45 lotto jackpot of P24,046,826.40 through one lucky pick bet.

His wife had been telling him to STOP playing lotto since he was betting for almost 10 years. But he ignored her and kept on betting until he finally hit the jackpot .

If there is a lesson to be learned here, it's that You should NEVER STOP TRYING TO WIN.

Never lose your HOPE  Because all it takes is one ticket to fulfill your dream.

 Remember this:

Winners never Quit .... Quitters never Win


Friday, October 3, 2014

Two lotto jackpot winners for the month of September

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.8, 2014
RESULT :   6-11-13-35-44-50

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.8, 2014
RESULT :   5-6-8-16-17-40

Draw date 10/9/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P16M

Draw date 10/9/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

Draw date 10/10/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P9M

Draw date 10/11/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 10/6/14
Jackpot Prize P98,652,196.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Sampaloc Manila  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 10/6/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  5-13-16-24-29-45   to win the jackpot worth  P98.6 million

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 10/5/14
Jackpot Prize P90,126,700.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Quezon city is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 10/5/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of   6-11-13-29-43-48 to win the jackpot worth  P90.1 million

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 10/2/14
Jackpot Prize P12,391,600.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Calaca, Batangas is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 10/2/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  9-21-31-36-40-41  to win the jackpot worth  P12.3 million

A Total of 2 lotto jackpot winners for the month of September 2014

6/55 -  1 winner
6/49 -  0 winner
6/45 -  0 winner
6/42 -  1 winner

6/55 1 winner
Draw date 9/27/14
Jackpot Prize P294,602,336.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Cebu is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 9/27/14 ) draw.

The 6/55 winning ticket was bought from a lotto outlet in Sitio Lower Centro Barangay Pit-os,Talamban, Cebu City.

The bettor got the combination of  8-11-17-22-35-42 a self pick  to win the jackpot worth  P294.6 million

It took 36 draws since June 30  before the 6/55 top prize was taken last September 27.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 9/20/14
Jackpot Prize P22,946,228.00

A 42-year-old construction worker from Eastern Samar  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 9/20/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  1-2-8-20-24-29  to win the jackpot worth  P22.9 million

The winner started betting the lotto three years ago, using the birthdates of his family members.

He plans to buy a house and lot, fishing boat, and save the rest.

How lucky are this lotto bettors ?

Well, they are just like us, ordinary lotto bettors lining up in a lotto betting station, and the difference is that,  luck has just knock on there doors.

I know that they have dreamed just like us, that one day they would win the lotto, and that day has come to this two lotto bettors.

Could there be any secret on this lotto winners?

Maybe the secret behind picking those winning numbers is... there is no secret at all!.

What they did was, they just bet on the numbers they wanted to bet just the same us we do.

It was only the time that there numbers came out, and its pure luck.

So the only thing for us to win the lotto, in which there is no secret at all, is just bet and play consistent.

No need to bet in thousands of pesos, with just 2 or 3 lotto combination's will do ..... believe Me!

Remember this :

You have the same chance of winning as everyone else.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Will you feel safe?

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       OCT.1, 2014
RESULT :   4-6-14-25-30-37

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :        OCT.1, 2014
RESULT :    6-7-27-33-38-53

Draw date 10/2/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P85M

Draw date 10/2/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P14M

Draw date 10/3/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P91M

Draw date 10/4/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

6/55 1 winner
Draw date 9/27/14
Jackpot Prize P294,602,336.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Cebu is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/55 ( 9/27/14 ) draw.

The 6/55 winning ticket was bought from a lotto outlet in Sitio Lower Centro Barangay Pit-os,Talamban, Cebu City.

The bettor got the combination of  8-11-17-22-35-42 a self pick  to win the jackpot worth  P294.6 million

One hundred five bettors also won P44,300 each as second prize for correctly guessing five of the six winning numbers.

Four thousand three hundred seventy eight bettors also won P850 each as third prize for correctly guessing four of the six winning numbers.

Will you feel safe?

In case you will be the lucky winner of the 6/55 lotto jackpot will you feel safe?

Sure enough the first person who will know your address will be PCSO and then the Bank.

PCSO has said that they will take a picture of you and some info just for the record.

Are they really sure that no one will ever see this pictures except them?

How about the check that will be given to you ?

I'm sure it will be deposited to your bank in which they will know you as the lotto jackpot winner.

Your address, your landline, cellphone number, Email and some information about you.

Just in case you will win the lotto jackpot, will you feel safe?

What do you think ?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Luck is the only thing!

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.24, 2014
RESULT :   1-2-5-7-29-48

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.24, 2014
RESULT :   6-15-24-33-34-40

Draw date 9/25/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P66M

Draw date 9/25/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

Draw date 9/26/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P70M

Draw date 9/27/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P290M

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 9/20/14
Jackpot Prize P22,946,228.00

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 9/20/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  1-2-8-20-24-29  to win the jackpot worth  P22.9 million

Luck is the only thing.

When a lotto bettor wins a lotto jackpot, we all collectively look at the lucky winner and wonder how luck came to this person.

I always tell people that there are no systems, tips or secret formula to win the lotto.

If there was a sure-fire technique that would win you the lotto every time, then the lottery business would definitely go down. We would all become winners.

For me the best trick to pick out number combination's for lotto is number one ... to pick them randomly.

When you are in the lotto outlet to place bets you should bet on the number combination's that comes immediately to your mind in that exact moment.

Follow your instinct because this might be the key for your luck in winning.

If not try the  machine for the lucky pick.

Number two ... You can also make use of birthdays, anniversaries, and other significant dates to create your own number combination's.

Some people think that getting combination ideas from these dates is very lucky.

The truth is, this is a good option. This is also a good way to choose numbers since we are actually playing game which is reliant on luck.

Lotto Winner Say's :

Remember to wake up your luck.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Expect It To Happen

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.17, 2014
RESULT :   2-14-17-45-48-50

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.17, 2014
RESULT :   11-12-20-23-30-33

Draw date 9/18/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P51M

Draw date 9/18/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P21M

Draw date 9/19/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P55M

Draw date 9/20/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P242M

Expect It To Happen

A large number of lotto bettors say that they expect to win.

But since it doesn’t hurt to think positive you might as well expect success and enjoy the sense of possibility and excitement of winning the lotto jackpot.

So expect it to happen, it  helps you unlock the door to win the lotto jackpot.

Here are some of my advice that I want to share with you ...

Winning the lotto for me is based on pure luck and if you are lucky you will win.

I believe that the gods of luck will be on your side one of this days.

Others would say it is just a superstitious belief that many of us tend to rely upon, but I believed on it .

If you're not a believer then I respect that. But, winning the lotto also depends on you.

It's also a mind game, if you know what I mean. If you play use a little strategy or if you believe those formulas then use it.

Play religiously. Make it your daily ritual if you may, by doing so this maximizes your chances of winning.

The more frequent you play the more chances you get to have in winning. It takes regular action to get what you want.

Think positive. Be optimistic. Just like everything else in life, winning the lotto would depend on you.

Make it your goal. Trust and believe that you can win.

Be patient. Don't lose hope. If you don't win today, keep it cool.

Always think that you can win and one day you will.

Lotto Winner say's:

Keep expecting... and  keep believing!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Where to claim your lotto Prize

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.10, 2014
RESULT :   3-9-10-24-26-55

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.10, 2014
RESULT :   1-2-9-12-25-43

Draw date 9/11/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P38M

Draw date 9/11/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P13M

Draw date 9/12/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P40M

Draw date 9/13/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P195M 

A Total of 9 lotto jackpot winners for the month of August 2014

6/55 -  0 winner
6/49 -  3 winners
6/45 -  2 winners
6/42 -  4 winners

Where to claim your lotto prize.

Write your name and affix your signature at the back of your winning tickets before claiming your prize.

Prize amounting to Php 20.00 up to Php 5,000.00 can be claimed at any authorized Lotto outlet.

Prizes worth more than Php 5,000.00 up to Php 200,000.00 can be claimed at any of the PCSO Branch Offices or at the PCSO Head Office, PICC Secretariat Bldg, CCP Complex, 1307 Roxas Blvd., Pasay City.

The JACKPOT PRIZE should be validated and claimed at the PCSO Head Office, PICC Secretariat Building, PICC, CCP Complex, Pasay City.

Bring two valid ID’s and prizes can be claim from Monday to Friday, 8am to 4:30pm.

Remember this : 
You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

15 Richest Filipinos for 2014

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.3, 2014
RESULT :  1-7-31-37-45-53

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       SEPT.3, 2014
RESULT :   13-19-25-30-34-41

Draw date 9/4/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P25M

Draw date 9/4/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P8M

Draw date 9/5/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P28M

Draw date 9/6/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P163M

6/42  2 winners
Draw date 8/30/14
Jackpot Prize P6,930,360.00

Two lucky lotto bettors  are now  millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 8/30/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of  5-9-10-12-17-28   
to win the jackpot worth  P6.9 million or P3,465,180 each.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 8/18/14
Jackpot Prize P9,939,144.00

A lucky 70-year-old senior citizen from Quezon City  is a now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 8/18/14 ) draw.

He bought four “Lucky Pick” bets and with one matching the winning combination of 4-12-26-28-42-45 to win the jackpot worth  P9.9 million.

The lucky bettor has been  betting the lotto for 10 years.

The winner is married and has two children.

15 richest Filipinos for 2014.

1. Henry Sy;   ($12.7 billion) SM Malls

2. Lucio Tan;  ($6.1 billion) PNB

3. Enrique Razon Jr.; ($5.2 billion ) International Container Terminal Services

4. Andrew Tan;  ($5.1 billion) Mega World

5. John Gokongwei Jr.;  ($4.9 billion) Robinsons Mall

6. David Consunji;  ($3.9 billion) DMCI Holdings

7. George Ty;  ($3.7 billion) Metro Bank

8. Aboitiz Family; ( $3.6 billion) Aboitiz Equity Ventures

9. Jaime Zobel de Ayala & family;  ($3.4 billion) Ayala Corp.

10. Tony Tan Caktiong;  ($2 billion) Jollibee

 11. Robert Coyiuto Jr., ($1.8 billion) Prudential Guarantee

12. Lucio & Susan Co,  ($1.7 billion) Puregold

13. Yap family,  ($1.475 billion) Philtrust Bank

14. Manuel Villar,  ($1.460 billion) Vista land

15. Inigo & Mercedes Zobel, ($1.2 billion) Ayala Corp

Remember this ....

Lucky people make effective decisions by listening to their intuition and gut feelings.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Throwback : Lotto jackpot P741 million

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 27, 2014
RESULT :  12-18-27-28-52-53

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 27, 2014
RESULT :  19-28-29-34-35-43

Draw date 8/28/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P16M  

Draw date 8/28/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P6M

Draw date 8/29/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P16M

Draw date 8/30/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P132M 

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 8/23/14
Jackpot Prize P22,760,804.00

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 8/23/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 8-9-13-15-16-28 to win the jackpot worth  P22.7 million

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 8/19/14
Jackpot Prize P16M

A lucky lotto bettor from Dinalupihan, Bataan  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 8/19/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  9-19-20-32-43-47 to win the jackpot worth  P16 million

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 8/17/14
Jackpot Prize P16M

A lucky lotto bettor from  Dapitan City in Zamboanga del Norte is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 8/17/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 21-34-37-39-42-49  to win the jackpot worth  P16 million.

Aside from the lone jackpot winner at least 13 other players won P70,000 for picking five of the six-digit winning combination.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 8/12/14
Jackpot Prize P39,252,548.00

A lucky lotto bettor from  Cagayan de Oro City is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 8/12/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 2-9-26-29-42-48   to win the jackpot worth  P39.2 million.

MIRACLES do happen even nowadays, and heartfelt prayers are answered.
This was exactly what happened to a 36-year-old housewife of Cagayan de Oro with an ailing child.
The winner with four children  spared only P20 for the winning number combination of  02-09-26-29-42-48 to hit the jackpot.
She was lucky indeed as it was her first time to make her bet using random or lucky pick with hope that it could help her raise funds for the operation of her youngest child.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 8/11/14
Jackpot Prize P20,871,032.00

 A 50-year-old seaman from Manila is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 8/11/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  9-10-11-31-32-42 to win the jackpot worth  P20.8 million.

Lotto winners say's : 
Keep your dreams close to your heart and watch what happens.

Friday, August 15, 2014

How does it Feel to win a lotto Jackpot ?

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 20, 2014
RESULT :  20-22-26-47-48-49

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 20, 2014
RESULT :  21-22-36-37-39-45

Draw date 8/21/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P16M 

Draw date 8/21/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P21M

Draw date 8/22/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P9M

Draw date 8/23/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize P108M 

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 8/19/14
Jackpot Prize P16M

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 8/19/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  9-19-20-32-43-47 to win the jackpot worth  P16 million.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 8/18/14
Jackpot Prize P9,939,144.00

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 8/18/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 4-12-26-28-42-45 to win the jackpot worth  P9.9 million.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 8/17/14
Jackpot Prize P16,000.00

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 8/17/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 21-34-37-39-42-49  to win the jackpot worth  P16 million.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 8/12/14
Jackpot Prize P39,252,548.00

A lucky lotto bettor from  Cagayan de Oro City is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 8/12/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 2-9-26-29-42-48   to win the jackpot worth  P39.2 million.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 8/11/14
Jackpot Prize P20,871,032.00

A lucky lotto bettor who placed a bet in Sta. Cruz, Manila is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 8/11/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  9-10-11-31-32-42 to win the jackpot worth  P20.8 million.

How does it Feel to win a lotto Jackpot ?

Let's call her Cora.

This is how Cora felt after She won the lotto jackpot.

Cora narrates her emotions, first reaction, imaginations and feelings of disbelief.

Cora's Imaginations ...

From time to time I kept coming back to the vision of winning a lotto jackpot. 

I used to say to myself, imagine if  I won the lotto jackpot,  what would I do?

Imagine if I won, I'd never need to work again. 

I tried to imagine what I would do with the money. what things would I buy.

What fun will it bring me if I won the lotto jackpot.

Reaction and emotions ...

Cora narrates how She felt after knowing that She won the lotto jackpot.
Immediately right after winning the lotto jackpot, I experience an almost out-of-body feeling.

Something like you are high on drugs.

I was at a stage of sudden wealth feeling. It’s an exciting time and I feel like I was on top of the world.

Anything and everything is possible.  I feel I have a power and energy to get everything what I want.

I can buy a new car, a big house, anything that I dreamed of having is possible and I want it right away.

I feel like nothing is impossible, the excitement was to much and my emotions were very high.

Cora narrates Feelings of disbelief ... .

I ask  myself, is this true or not ? I never believe that I won the lotto jackpot until the money was in  the Bank with my name on it.

Until then I realized it was true that I won.

Lotto Bettors say's:

 One day I’m going to win the lotto jackpot and that's a PROMISE.

Friday, August 8, 2014

A Throwback lesson to be learned from a Lotto Winner

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 13, 2014
RESULT :  7-9-18-33-39-46

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 13, 2014
RESULT :  4-19-28-34-38-45

Draw date 8/14/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 16M 

Draw date 8/14/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 13M

Draw date 8/15/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 9M

Draw date 8/16/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 89M

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 8/12/14
Jackpot Prize P39,252,548.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 8/12/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 2-9-26-29-42-48   to win the jackpot worth  P39.2 million.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 8/11/14
Jackpot Prize P20,871,032.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 8/11/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  9-10-11-31-32-42 to win the jackpot worth  P20.8 million.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 7/22/14
Jackpot Prize P 6,313,604.00

A lucky 61 years old jeepney driver from  Meycauayan, Bulacan is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 7/22/14 ) draw.

The winner got the combination of 4-18-21-23-31-40 to win the jackpot worth  P6.3 million.

The winner has been using the same combination for the last 10 years.

He will use the money to buy a jeepney, and will also share it with his children.

A throwback lesson to be learned from a lotto winner.

For three months, Dionie Reyes  - winner of P14,125,032 in the Lotto 6/42 draw on April 22, 2008 - lived the life of a millionaire, something he had been longing to experience.

He lived in a P4-million house in a posh subdivision, drove around in a sports utility vehicle (SUV), and gave goodwill money, ranging P1,000 to P 850,000, to relatives and friends.

Out of his winnings, he gave his six siblings P50,000 each; another P500,000 to one of his nephews for a three-door apartment he wanted to build; and from P1,000 to P30,000 to some of his office mates; and P100,000 to his boss.

He gifted a nephew of his wife with a car worth P850,000.

When he showed up in his home in Cavite, he gave away from P5,000 to P50,000 to some friends and neighbors.

He estimated he gave away about P2 million or more for "balato" to relatives, friends, neighbors, and office mates, not counting people he did not know who came to him to borrow money.

He spent all his money through daily gambling, especially cockfighting, drinking sprees nightly, and womanizing.

After three months, nothing was left from his winnings.

Lotto Winner say's :
I've been POOR and I've been RICH...
RICH is better !

Friday, August 1, 2014

Newest Seven Millionaires

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 6, 2014
RESULT :  3-7-27-38-44-51

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       AUG. 6, 2014
RESULT :  7-17-21-22-41-44

Draw date 8/7/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 6M

Draw date 8/7/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 32M

Draw date 8/8/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 17M

Draw date 8/9/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 72M

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 8/2/14
Jackpot Prize P 11,642,792.00

A lucky lotto bettor is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 8/2/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 5-9-19-21-31-36  to win the jackpot worth  P11.6 million.

A Total of 7 lotto jackpot winners for the month of July 2014

6/55 -  0 winner
6/49 -  1 winner
6/45 -  4 winners
6/42 -  2  winners

6/45 2 winners
Draw date 7/28/14
Jackpot Prize P18,361,480.00

Two lucky lotto bettors who placed bets in Signal Village, Taguig City, and Tandang Sora, Quezon City, are now millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 7/28/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 13-18-23-26-33-42  to win the jackpot worth  P18.3 million or P9,180,740.00 each.

One of the winners a 41-year-old occupational therapist and a single parent from Quezon City.

The winner bought only one lotto ticket and has been betting for four years.   

The winner plans to invest her winnings for the trust fund of the child, invest in business and for the renovation of her parent’s house.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 7/22/14
Jackpot Prize P 6,313,604.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Meycauayan, Bulacan is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 7/22/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 4-18-21-23-31-40 to win the jackpot worth  P6.3 million.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 7/20/14
Jackpot Prize P81,103,996.00

A 62-year old retiree from Davao City  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 7/20/14 ) draw.

The  instant millionaire has four children and bought two lotto tickets for P40.

The winner got the combination of  5-9-12-14-25-28  to win the jackpot worth  P81 million.

He plans to build apartments for rent and save the rest for his four children’s future

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 7/15/14
Jackpot Prize P17,790,228.00

A 60 years old welder  from Bulacan  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 7/15/14 ) draw. 1-7-12-17-19-31.

He use the birth dates of his family and has been betting for ten years.
The bettor bought only one combination for twenty pesos to win the jackpot worth  P17.7 million.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 7/14/14
Jackpot Prize  P14,634,376.00

A lucky survivor of super typhoon Yolanda from Leyte is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 7/14/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination made through random "lucky pick" of 7-9-19-24-35-43 to win the jackpot worth  P14.6 million.

The lucky bettor, a 29-year-old farmer, will spend for the repair of their local chapel destroyed by Yolanda.

He also wants to buy farmland and build a house for his family.

6/45 1 winner
Draw date 7/4/14
Jackpot Prize P92,361,380.00

A  lucky lotto bettor from Sta. Cruz, Laguna is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 7/4/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  5-11-12-35-37-39 to win the jackpot worth  P92.3 million.

Forty-six bettors also won P45,610 each as second prize for correctly guessing five of the six winning numbers.

I 'll say this again ...

I'm sure  this seven winners where once complaining just like us now, on when we're going to hit the lotto jackpot ?

Well, there complains has just been answered !

Lotto Winner say's:
What you believe to be impossible will always be impossible to you ...
If you want to remove the impossible change your beliefs.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Welder wins

6/55 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       JULY 30, 2014
RESULT :  11-12-29-35-45-46

6/45 :          NO WINNER
DATE :       JULY 30 , 2014
RESULT : 23-29-35-36-43-44

Draw date 7/31/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 16M

Draw date 7/31/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 10M

Draw date 8/1/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 9M

Draw date 8/2/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 57M

6/45 2 winners
Draw date 7/28/14
Jackpot Prize P18,361,480.00

Two lucky lotto bettors are now  millionaires after winning the jackpot of  6/45 ( 7/28/14 ) draw.

The bettors got the combination of 13-18-23-26-33-42  to win the jackpot worth  P18.3 million or P9,180,740.00 each.

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 7/22/14
Jackpot Prize P 6,313,604.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Meycauayan, Bulacan is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 7/22/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 4-18-21-23-31-40 to win the jackpot worth  P6.3 million.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 7/20/14
Jackpot Prize P81,103,996.00

A 62-year old retiree from Davao City  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 7/20/14 ) draw.

The  instant millionaire has four children and bought two lotto tickets for P40.

The winner got the combination of  5-9-12-14-25-28  to win the jackpot worth  P81 million.

He plans to build apartments for rent and save the rest for his four children’s future

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 7/15/14
Jackpot Prize P17,790,228.00

A 60 years old welder  from Bulacan  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 7/15/14 ) draw. 1-7-12-17-19-31.

He use the birth dates of his family and has been betting for ten years.
The bettor bought only one combination for twenty pesos to win the jackpot worth  P17.7 million.

Lotto winners say's :
I always believe that one day I'm going to be a millionaire.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Lotto bettor speaks

6/55 :         NO WINNER
DATE :      JULY 23, 2014
RESULT :  4-10-22-37-38-39

6/45 :         NO WINNER
DATE :      JULY 23, 2014
RESULT :  5-12-14-16-33-44

Draw date 7/24/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 6M

Draw date 7/24/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 16M

Draw date 7/25/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize 15M

Draw date 7/26/14
Estimated Jackpot Prize  44M

6/42 1 winner
Draw date 7/22/14
Jackpot Prize P 6,313,604.00

A lucky lotto bettor  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/42 ( 7/22/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of 4-18-21-23-31-40 to win the jackpot worth  P6.3 million.

6/49 1 winner
Draw date 7/20/14
Jackpot Prize P81,103,996.00

A lucky lotto bettor from Davao  is now a millionaire after winning the jackpot of  6/49 ( 7/20/14 ) draw.

The bettor got the combination of  5-9-12-14-25-28  to win the jackpot worth  P81 million.

Lotto bettors speaks ...

Many people have a dream of becoming a millionaire. Unfortunately for many people, it is just  a dream, and it will always remain a dream but not for lotto bettors.

Do you believe that one day you could become a millionaire ?

What are your thoughts in betting the lotto ? Do you believe in divine intervention?

Do you have your lucky numbers ?
Do you believe in lucky pick?
Do you believe in lotto formula's?

My friends let's share opinions and ideas once again on how your lotto life has been since you started betting.

How you almost won the jackpot, the mistakes you made in betting, the dreams you have,  the plans in case you hit the lotto jackpot.

Below is a comments section,  Please feel free to write your thoughts so we could share each other ideas and opinions .